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11 Apr 2024

The thermal energy startup taking a flexible approach to decarbonisation

Innovation Zero exhibitor Exergy3 is a clean-tech spinout of the University of Edinburgh that has developed an innovative ultra-high temperature thermal energy storage technology that is a game-changer in the journey to net zero. We caught up with Dr Markus Rondé, CEO of Exergy3, to ask him about the event and what they are doing.

Why are you exhibiting at Innovation Zero?

Innovation Zero is an excellent platform through which to connect and engage with key stakeholders ranging from industry leaders to investors and policy makers, particularly due to the size and high-profile nature of the event. As a thermal energy startup, we are looking to raise awareness not only about our company and the innovative features of our system, but also about thermal energy storage more broadly as a decarbonisation solution. Exhibiting at Innovation Zero is thus a fantastic opportunity to support all of these objectives.

The supply of renewable energy is often constrained by location. How can we address this challenge?

There are two sides to this challenge – firstly, the need to access and distribute renewable energy, so avoiding current constraint issues and secondly, the need to allow for more integration of renewable energy into the grid as we transition to net zero, so preventing future constraint issues. Energy storage, particularly thermal energy storage like that of Exergy3’s, is a solution to both.

Energy storage allows green energy from renewables in constraint areas to be utilised. Taking it in times of low demand, high supply it prevents this green energy from being curtailed (and the associated costs) and instead can be transformed into savings and return for the user by providing low-cost clean energy for industrial and thermal processes. In the case of Exergy3’s thermal energy storage, this is a highly efficient process with minimal loses and maximum returns.

Furthermore, our modular energy storage systems are high capacity (8MWh/ module) and have small footprints (smaller than 40ft shipping container), which means they can be co-located with renewable energy sources or directly at the points of constraint e.g. the highlands. In effect, places which geographically are not suitable for alternative constraint solutions such as hydro plants. As a result, Exergy3’s thermal energy storage can not only solve constraint issues at the source but can also enable more integration of renewables into the grid through their storage capacity.

Exergy3 has developed technology to decarbonise the energy required to generate the ultra-high temperatures required for thermal and industrial processes. Who can use that technology?

Our technology can be used for an every-growing list of applications due to its ability to provide industrial and domestic heat, as well as its energy storage capacity. Our ability to provide ultra-high temperature heat (up to 1,200C) means that we can help decarbonise manufacturing production processes for the following industries - food and drink, paper and pulp, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, even glass.

Moreover, our technology can be used for district heating systems or to decarbonising the heating of large-scale buildings like public buildings, universities and supermarkets.

Our high-capacity modules can provide flexibility services to the grid, helping to alleviate constraint issues, allow for more integration of renewables and provide additional revenue to users through side demand responses.

To find out more about Exergy3, visit their website at

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