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Natalia Kuniewicz

Natalia Kuniewicz

Sales Representative, Satellite Vu
Natalia Kuniewicz is the Sales Representaive of SatVu, a company launching the first constellation of high-resolution thermal infrared satellites into space. The satellites will offer a frequency of data collection that has not been available before. Satellite Vu’s thermal data will become an important source of value for businesses and public agencies pursuing their Net Zero ambitions. Gathering thermal data from space about what is happening on Earth will finally lead to consistent standards for reporting energy waste and solar farms yield loss. The insights from our satellites will enable investors, property developers and building owners to guide their policies based on regular inspections of their assets. Equipped with this knowledge, businesses can truthfully achieve the international energy targets. Thermal data will place climate risks in the center of future planning, purchasing, and lending decisions in the property market. Additionally, managing thermal efficiency of industrial processes will become much easier and trustworthy across widespread supply chains.