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Innovation Zero 2024 Main Stage

Diana Casey

Diana Casey

Executive Director, Energy and Climate Change, Cement and Lime, Mineral Products Association

I joined the Mineral Products Association in 2013 and now hold the position of Executive Director, energy and climate change, cement and lime. I have represented the UK cement industry at National, European and Global level. Areas of expertise include emissions trading and climate change policy, energy efficiency, legislative impact assessment and sustainable development. I undertook much of the technical modelling underpinning the UK concrete and cement roadmap to beyond net zero and MPA's Factsheet 18 (embodied CO2 emissions of UK cement, additions and cementitious material). I sit on the board of the Emissions Trading Group (ETG) and chair the Emissions Trading System policy working group. Through ETG I attended COP27 and COP28 to follow the developments of key areas like Article 6. I also sit on various advisory boards and groups working on the technical and policy side of UK carbon capture use or storage (CCUS).

I also lead and manage the cement and lime team of experts in MPA that tackle issues such as environment and regulatory affairs, cement standards and oversee innovation projects that benefit the whole UK cement and lime sectors.