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Craig Foster

Craig Foster

Co-Founder & Filmmaker, "My Octopus Teacher" (2020), Sea Change Project
Craig Foster is an Oscar and BAFTA winning filmmaker, naturalist, author and ocean explorer. His films have won over 100 international awards. He is the co-founder of the NPO Sea Change Project, dedicated to the long term conservation and regeneration of the Great African Seaforest. Craig's work in the ocean has contributed to the marine sciences through the discovery of new species and new animal behaviours. He is the first person to create a method of underwater tracking in the kelp forest. His film 'My Octopus Teacher' has led to making the Great African Seaforest a global icon. Craig also has consulted for 5 years to the centre for early sapiens behaviour, SapienCE, and created an award winning exhibition about middle stone human origins. 'Biodiversity is the immune system of our planet, no continued loss of ecosystems is acceptable for economic gain. What I have learnt from My Octopus Teacher is that wild nature is the most important gift we have. If we knew what it would be like to live in a world of abundant wildlife, we would do everything to make that dream come true. The regeneration of wild places, especially our oceans, will be the most important project our species now engages in. Our entire wellbeing is dependent on the natural world.' Craig Foster Craig believes that the greatest threat we face is the cooling of the human heart towards nature, and all his work is about inspiring a change or heart