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Cllr Richard Clewer

Cllr Richard Clewer

Leader and Cabinet Member for MCI, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts, Tourism and Health and Wellbeing, Wiltshire Council

I have been a Wiltshire Councillor since the creation of Wiltshire Council in 2009 and was a Salisbury District Councillor before that. Following the 2021 elections, I was elected as Leader of Wiltshire Council, with cabinet responsibilities for Economic Development, Heritage, Arts, Tourism, Military Civil Integration and Health and Wellbeing. I have previously had cabinet responsibility for areas including Housing, Communities, Climate Change and Corporate Services as well as Chairing the Wiltshire Council Housing Board.

I am the Councillor for the Downton and Ebble Valley Division. I chair the Bath Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Partnership as well as being the Chairman of UK100’s Countryside Climate Network and the co-president of UK100. I am the County Council Network spokesperson for housing and sit on the LGA Infrastructure and Net Zero board. I also sit on the New Forest National Park Authority.
