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IZ23 Testimonials

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Sam Adlen, The Space Energy Initiative & Satellite Applications Catapult

We chatted to Sam Adlen from The Space Energy Initiative & Satellite Applications Catapult at Innovation Zero 2023:

Sam delves into the potential of space-based solar power as a groundbreaking energy source with capabilities to significantly contribute to achieving net zero and bolstering energy security. This innovation not only holds economic productivity but also offers a promising opportunity for the UK to become a frontrunner in this field.

With the UK possessing remarkable capabilities and a leading design, the Space Energy Initiative, involving collaboration among 80 organizations spanning industry, academia, and government, aims to address various challenges, encompassing regulation, technology, and environmental concerns.

Innovation Zero serves as an incredible platform, showcasing the enthusiasm and collaboration among entrepreneurs, financiers, and policymakers. Sam emphasizes the potential impact of space-based solar power on net zero goals and expresses enthusiasm about generating international interest.

The key takeaway highlights the technical and economic viability of space-based solar power within the net zero timeline, positioning the UK as a global leader. Anticipation builds for the 2024 Innovation Zero event, with hopes of significant developments and announcements to further unite coalitions around this transformative initiative.






