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Innovation Zero 2024

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30 Apr 2024
Innovation Showcase

The Innovation Showcase Forum will have a dedicate & curated audience of primarily investors and corporate buyers who are interested in seeing innovations and new technologies emerging in the Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) space. The session will be broken down into some opening remarks on the innovation landscape on this topic, from our partner Cleantech Group followed by 15minute pitches from our innovators. For our MRV session, these companies will be:

Chair Opening Remarks & State of the Market

  • Holly Stower, Group Lead, Resources & Environment, Cleantech Group

Sondre will shed light on the role of sustainable procurement and carbon accounting in advancing global sustainability initiatives.

  • Sondre Hoeyland, Customer Success Director in Sustainable Procurement, Ignite

SHOWCASE TWO - Neuer Energy
How NeuerEnergy are helping customers like the Port of Dover will achieve net zero by 2025.
Hear how Neuer Energy customers leverage key tools and technologies to automate sustainability data collection, and build a credible and financially viable net zero plan.
• Benji Martin, Head of Sustainability Solutions, Neuer Energy
• Ben Crake, Environmental Advisor, Port of Dover

• Billy Richards, CEO and Founder, Changeblock

SHOWCASE FOUR – Crystalchain
How LCA and Traceability can demonstrate the environmental impact of carbon credits ?
In today's climate-conscious market, buyers demand solid evidence of environmental impact. Discover how our innovative MRV solution, equipped with LCA and traceability modules, empowers project developers to provide transparent proof of their environmental impact, facilitating credit sales.

  • Clément Gourrierec, CrystalTrade Director, CrystalChian

Shopping for net zero. Shifting consumer behaviour to reach net zero faster.
Answering Question Zero: How can we deliver the much-needed momentum in reaching net zero targets? As inflation triggers the rise in the cost of eco-friendly choices, the climate crisis remains another 'slow killer.' When every penny counts, how can we encourage consumers to prioritize sustainability alongside affordability? Can shifting consumer habits accelerate progress towards net zero? How does consumer engagement present a unique opportunity for businesses and investors in the green economy?
• Tanya Larsen, Founder & CEO, EcoScanner

Holly Stower, Group Lead, Resources & Environment - Cleantech Group
Confirmed Speakers
Ben Crake, Environment Advisor - Port of Dover
Clément Gourrierec, Director - Crystalchain
Sondre Høyland, Customer Success Director in Sustainable Procurement - Ignite
Tanya Larsen, CEO - questionZERO
Benji Martin, Head of Sustainability Solutions - Neuer Energy
Billy Richards, CEO and Founder - ChangeBlock