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Innovation Zero 2024

Congress photo



30 Apr 2024
Main Stage
Policy , Supply Chain , Innovation

Systemic changes in history, from suffrage to civil rights, have not happened in a linear transitional way. Instead, pressure builds slowly until tipping points are reached, and dramatic change occurs. When we look back at these moments when societal attitudes and policy prescriptions finally conflated, which ultimately catalysed the other? Can we repeat this with net zero ahead of time?

Experts identify how we angle society towards a tipping point in net zero, and where we are on this trajectory of punctuated equilibrium.

Joanna Gosling, Mediator, Broadcaster and Writer - Joanna gosling communications Ltd
Confirmed Speakers
Dr Sweta Chakraborty, CEO NA - We Don't Have Time
Tim Lenton, Chair in Climate Change and Earth System Science - The University of Exeter