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06 Aug 2024

Composite Designers Ltd

Carbon negative construction materials

Carbon-negative construction

  • Carbon negative construction materials
  • Carbon negative construction materials
  • Carbon negative construction materials
  • Carbon negative construction materials
Carbon negative construction materials Carbon negative construction materials Carbon negative construction materials Carbon negative construction materials

Our materials are based on biochar and bio-based binders, inspired by advanced materials processes. We sequester -1.2 kg CO2e/kg, enabling any building to function as a carbon sink. Our aim is to decarbonise the construction industry.

Our material is designed to be processed in conventional production plants for clay processing without requiring firing. Initially, we aim to produce brick-slips, offering the lowest barrier to market entry. Our cost studies show that these decorative materials can already be manufactured cost-competitively.

We have conducted material tests demonstrating that the mechanical properties are comparable to existing clay-based materials, and flame retardancy can be achieved. Water absorption tests show low absorption rates, and freeze-thaw cycle tests suggest that outside use is feasible.

With an investment of £500k, we aim to set up a self-sufficient 0-series production line to demonstrate production at scale and obtain CE certification for our brick slips.

Our material is patent-pending, and searches by the patent office have been very positive, indicating no barriers to protection. A PCT application will be filed soon.

  • carbon-negative construction
  • biochar
  • carbon capture
  • carbon credits

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