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13 Jan 2023

Mission Zero - Independent Review of Net Zero

Mission Zero - Independent Review of Net Zero

The Net Zero Review was perhaps the largest national engagement on net zero.

The Net Zero Review travelled to all four nations of the UK, received over 1800 responses to the Call for Evidence, and held more than 50 roundtables, making it one of the largest engagement exercises on net zero in the UK. We heard a clear message from businesses, organisations, individuals, and local government across the country: net zero is creating a new era of opportunity, but government, industry, and individuals need to act to make the most of the opportunities, reduce costs, and ensure we deliver successfully.

Net zero is the growth opportunity of the 21st century.

The UK should be proud of the steps it has taken to achieve net zero. Progress since 2019 has exceeded expectations. In setting the net zero target, the United Kingdom was building on the progress of many years – not least a quiet transformation of our power system, from one dominated by coal, to one increasingly driven by a clean and endless supply of wind blowing across the North Sea.

The challenge of translating bold ambition into action.

The Government’s Net Zero Strategy sets out the UK’s decarbonisation pathway out to 2037, based on modelling on the most cost-effective net zero energy system in 2050. New analysis conducted over the course of the Review shows that this is still the right pathway and the policies outlined in the Strategy should go ahead. Delay is a significant risk. Our engagement and own analysis have shown that the benefits of decarbonisation are larger if it is done sooner.

Source: Mission Zero - Independent Review of Net Zero
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